We recently went in on half a hog with friends. The total cost was $450 for about 100 pounds of pork products which included hams, a shoulder, country ribs, spare ribs, sausage, bacon and chops. So far, we've had the bacon and chops - I must say that they were to die for... the flavor is amazing and the bacon cooks up crispy but not overcooked at all. Easily the best of either that I've ever had. We got our hog from Full of Life Farms. They are a local farm that raises all of their animals to be antibiotic and growth hormone free. Once they are ready for slaughter, they are sent to a local butcher in Mount Angel. When they receive your animal, they call you to discuss how you'd like it butchered and packaged.
Here's a picture from this morning's breakfast that includes the yummiest bacon ever as well as collards and purple potatoes from our local CSA.
Next up? We'll be buying and splitting a half a cow with the same friends! Our expectations are high after the hog...
thanks for the tip of Full of Life Farm, I will check them out - we have been discussing getting a pig soon.