
Sunday, May 22, 2011


Our CSA summer share started this week after a month off since the winter share.  I missed it!  This week, we got collards, leeks, green garlic, spinach, parsley, cauliflower and popcorn kernels.  We like to supplement our share with our two raised beds which I like to call my kitchen garden.  We put two types of lettuce (just don't ask me which types!) a couple of weeks ago.  We have rosemary, chives and thyme that regularly overwinters quite well so I've been regularly harvesting lettuce, chives and thyme for salads for Ty (I don't eat salad).  We've also been often using the chives, rosemary and thyme in regular meals for the last month or so.  

I planted the majority of the rest of the garden yesterday.  We put in SIX basil plants for four varieties!  I think that basil has been my best gardening success - we use it some in cooking but mostly use it to make batches and batches of pesto.  We don't always do it the same way but it's generally always a combo of basil leaves, pine nuts or walnuts, parm and EVOO.  We them but the pesto into ice cube trays in the freezer until set.  Then we pop the cubes out and into a freezer bag to use the rest of the year.  Except that we always, always run out well before the next year's basil season.  So, this year, we doubled up on the basil plants:).  

We've also put in four tomato plants, another chive, another rosemary (this one trailing), green beans and soybeans.  The soybeans are an experiment but we did get them last summer from the farm so I'm pretty sure it is at least possible to grow them here.  

I'd also like to add three tomatillo plants.  Last year, I had the most beautiful tomatillo plant you've ever seen - tall, healthy with tons and tons of flowers.  I was so proud.  And I waited and waiting for that puppy to fruit...  before I looked it up and discovered that one plant will never fruit because a solo plant does not pollinate.  SO, this year I need enough that they will pollinate so I can make a bunch of salsa verde! 

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