Our chickens started eating their own eggs. We think it started when we had a bunch of dogs over a couple of days in a row. The dogs would go crazy racing around the coop and the chickens would hide up in their loft but still be wound up and flapping around. In the process, eggs got broken. They discovered that they liked eating raw eggs (ew, ew, ew) and that they could easily peck them open. As a consequence, we haven't had many fresh eggs for the last month or more.
I did some research and, on Friday, I instituted some potential remedies. First, I quit lining their roosting boxes with pine shavings and instead am using straw. So far, it stays in place better providing the eggs with more cushion when they are being laid. Second, I put a golf ball in the roosting box. Apparently, they don't have to peck on that too many times before they realize that it hurts!! Third, and lastly, I broke an egg into a glass, mixed it with Tabasco and red chili flakes and poured the concoction on the floor of their loft.
The final verdict? Yesterday, we got three intact eggs:). I'd say it's working and those girls are saved from Ty's roasting pan...
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